Category: Reflections

Reflections, thoughts

  • Expressing Emotions

    Expressing Emotions

    We often talk about not expressing the so-called negative emotions.  We can look at a topic of this kind from two perspectives:  I better start with the second variation, since it seems simpler to explain. No thought or emotion ever disappears for real. Let’s say they can transform, but they don’t really disappear. If we…

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  • Emotion, Feeling, and Thought

    Emotion, Feeling, and Thought

    Emotions and thoughts are the two driving forces of our existence. In reality, feeling should be our driving force. What are the three things? Thought – an image formed by the brain Emotion – reality perceived by the body Feeling – the image shown by the heart. The heart is the mirror of the soul.…

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  • Any form of knowledge only strengthens the Ego.

    Any form of knowledge only strengthens the Ego.

    The Spirit has no need for knowledge. In fact, all knowledge of any kind has the purpose of bringing power. Even spiritual knowledge can be used to obtain power. Knowledge has always meant power, no one denies it. However, no one reflects upon the fact that even spiritual knowledge is still knowledge, and has the…

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