Any form of knowledge only strengthens the Ego.

The Spirit has no need for knowledge. In fact, all knowledge of any kind has the purpose of bringing power. Even spiritual knowledge can be used to obtain power.

Knowledge has always meant power, no one denies it. However, no one reflects upon the fact that even spiritual knowledge is still knowledge, and has the same goal, that is, to bring power.

In reality, if we do not seek it, power comes naturally. When we reach a certain level, power appears, all we have to do is receive it. The spirit is omniscient, so when the Ego disappears, knowledge appears, only this is not a desired knowledge. Power also comes with it, but it is not a desired one either. Since it is not wanted, not sought out, this knowledge, this power will be used in the impersonal form, outside the Ego. It is like God working through us.

However, as long as the Ego exists, knowledge is used to hide our fears, sufferings, frustrations. It is difficult for an intelligent person to get rid of the Ego. Knowledge always invents a method to hide what we don’t like, what the Ego doesn’t like.